Download test dpc
Download test dpc

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The best collection of movies and shows.The app also serves as a implementation reference for other DPCs. Users can set up a work profile, enable work apps, set application restrictions, manage security policies, and much more. It gives developers the ability to see how their app will behave in a managed context such as device owner or within a managed profile. Test DPC is a sample device policy controller for use with Android Enterprise. The app also serves as a reference for the implementation of other DPCs. Users can set up a work profile, activate work apps, set app restrictions, manage security policies, and more. It gives developers the opportunity to see how their app will behave in a managed context, such as device owner or in a managed profile. Test DPC is a sample policy controller for devices for use with Android for Work. The app should never be used with real data. It is NOT intended for production customs.

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Please note that this app is for development purposes only. Test DPC 4.0.5 is an app specifically designed to help EMM, ISV, and OEM manufacturers test their apps and platforms in the “Android for Work” profile

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